Welcome aboard the Starship Aries.
Whenever I get a free minute or two, I pack a light meal and cruise the galaxy in my own thermonuclear, trans-galactic starship. While I have yet to encounter any aliens in my travels, I have found an abundance of information out here, compiled by others, who share my quest for knowledge.
Since I've left the engine running for you, feel free to visit the destinations cataloged below. Maybe, you'll find something interesting.
Shirley P. Dyer
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
Daily ISS Sightings for Fort Dupont Park/Penn Branch
News From Space & Beyond (ABC)
Science Daily's Astronomy News
Weisstein's World of Astronomy
European Southern Observatory News
U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics
Hawaii Institute for Astronomy
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
European Space Agency News Portal
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
MarsQuestOnline.org (Virtual Exploration)
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